Killing Floor 2 Dedicated Server Not Showing Up

KF2ServerTool for Windows and KF2ServerToolCMD for Windows and Linux

I'm trying to host a killing floor 2 server for a lan party and the issue i'm having is that the server isn't listed on the lan tab (i can't see it on any other tab but that's due to the fact that i haven't port-forward the required ports), i can connect to it just fine through the console (open ) but it refuses to show up on the server.

Easy way to install the server and add/remove/update maps in your Killing Floor 2 Dedicated Server

What is this?

With this tool you can easily install and configure your Killing Floor 2 dedicated server. You can easily install or update maps and mods from workshop or a custom redirect, perform server maintenance (updates and verify server integrity), start the server with custom mutators and also have diferent profiles with different settings. All this without wasting time editing lines of config files.The tool is constantly updated and tested by several people who use it to host, the actual state is fully functional and stable.

How easy is that?

To install the server and configure?

Just download the app and open it, the tool will install the server and show a easy GUI to help you to configurate basic steps like maps, options, webadmin, etc.

And about install custom maps?

You will just browse the workshop inside the app or paste a URL of an workshop item and click on a button. The application will do everything for you (download the map, add the server subscription, add the map entry, add the map to the cycle of maps and add the server redirect if needed). For update an outdated workshop item just right click on the item and choose update.

The app includes some extra features too, like a server launcher, web admin configuration, workshop download manager configuration, access to webadmin inside the application, and some tools to clean the cache and workshop files. I spent good weeks developing this tool to make it as simple as possible for the end user.


GUI Version to Windows (KF2ServerTool):

Go to release and download the latest version.

CMD Version compiled to Windows (KF2ServerToolCMD)

Go to code/KF2ServerToolCMD.exe and download the file.

CMD Version compiled to Linux (KF2ServerToolCMD)

Go to code/KF2ServerToolCMD and download the file.

Use in an existing server
  • Extract all files from the zip to the server folder (the same folder where you have a .bat to start the server).
  • Use the KF2ServerTool.exe to add a map/mod by browsing the workshop or pasting an ID or URL of an item..
Use in a new server installation
  • Extract all files in the same folder that the server will be installed
  • Open KF2ServerTool.exe and choose the option to install a new server in the same path of the tool folder
  • After download all the server, close the tool and open the server one time to create the config files.


  • If you have never added the line for redirecting the clients to download from the workshop, check the 'Options' tab and turn on the Workshop Download Manager.
  • Just put the KF2ServerToolCMD inside the server folder and launch it from terminal with -list, a new file called KF2ServerToolCMD.ini will be created. You can adit inside this file the paths of KFEngine and KFGame if you dont use the default.
  • install steamcmd if you have not (see the install steamcmd section)
  • Configure the KF2ServerToolCMD.ini to specify it (for linux is the and for windows is the steamcmd.exe).
  • K2ServerToolCMD -help to see all avaliable commands
  • For Linux: 'apt-get install steamcmd' or download it from here and extract for an folder (eg KF2Server/steamcmd/)
  • For Windows: download it from here and put it in an folder (eg KF2Server/steamcmd/)

(very useful if you run multiple instances of servers in the same folder and have several different files for each server.)

  • Use the param -config to specify a different configuration file.Example: KF2ServerTool -config KFServerTool_sv2.iniExample: KF2ServerToolCMD -config KFServerTool_sv2.ini

  • The application will create a new config file and you should edit it to specify the custom paths of your configs (PCServer-Game, PCServer-Engine, etc) files

Killing Floor 2 Dedicated Server Not Showing Update

Optional for windows gui only

  • Go to the section GENERAL in the config file and set the flag 'OnlyShowItemsFromConfig' to true. This will filtrate maps and mods from another servers.


Upcomming Forum Overhaul

We are starting the work to switch our forums, which have been based on a version of the Vbulletin forum software since their inception with the Red Orchestra mod (then VB 3 and currently VB 5.1) to an all new forum software called Xenforo. After researching it, we feel Xenforo is a better choice for the future as it has a vibrant modding and addon community that will allow us to extend the functions of these forums in ways players will enjoy.
As part of this, at some point in the near future these forums will be locked down so we cant merge over all of the existing content into the new forum database. It will likely then be a few more days as we work on the new forum and correct any issues from the merge.

Privay Policy Update

We’ve updated the Tripwire Privacy Notice under our Policies to be clearer about our use of customer information to come in line with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules that come into force today (25th May 2018). The following are highlights of our changes:
We’ve incorporated the relevant concepts from the GDPR including joining the EU and Swiss Privacy Shield framework. We’ve added explanations for why and how Tripwire processes customer data and the types of data that we process, as well as information about your data protection rights.
For more information about our privacy practices, please review the new Privacy Policy found here:

Forum Rules

  • Items changed, or highlighted for future attention, on 20 July 2013 are highlighted in yellow.

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  • Any decisions made by any member of staff or moderator are final and not subject to discussion. Doing so may result in a ban from the site. The owners of Tripwire Interactive Forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason, as well as to remove access to the forums for any individuals with or without warning for breaches of the rules.
  • If you have a complaint regarding another user, PM the appropriate moderators, or if you have an administrative issue, [RO]schneidzekk.

General Behaviour
  • Use the search function before posting. Chances are your question has already been answered.
  • Use a title that describes the content of your post. Don't use all caps or special characters to draw attention either in the title or the body of the post.
  • Up to 10 emoticons are allowed in a post
  • Political discussions are prohibited.
  • Flaming - We do not tolerate abusive, malicious, personal attacks. You will be banned if you persist in this behavior.
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  • Personal insults (directed at anyone) will result in a ban. If the behavior is not corrected, it will be made more permanent.
  • Constructive criticism is welcome. However keep in mind we (and other forums goers) may not agree with you. If you can't keep the conversation civil, you will be removed from the forums.
  • The use of hyperbole, one liners, and images as part of a forum debate is likely to get you infracted. You have many ways to participate and be a constructive part of this community, even when you disagree.
  • To make the highlighted bits above 100% clear to everyone, the following WILL NOT BE TOLERATED:
    1. Personal attacks, insults, antagonism of any forum-goers, moderators or Tripwire Interactive staff.
    2. Name Shaming and Public 'Witch Hunts' are also not allowed.
    3. Breaches of confidentiality and privacy of any sort.
    4. Any form of racism, bigotry or attacks on race, creed or color.
    5. Linking to posts on other forums related to ANY of the above, whether you are the originator or not, without exception.

  • There has been too much in the way of abhorrent personal behaviors in the past. These will cease. It doesn't matter who started it or who reacted to it - it will all result in moderator action. If you have to indulge your hatreds, for whatever reason, go do it elsewhere - and do not try and drag our forum-goers over to enjoy your hatreds.
  • We understand that people have strong feelings about our games, what we do for a living and how we respond (or don't) to comments on the forums. We all aren't going to agree about everything. So, BE CIVIL in your disagreements!

  • DO NOT Transmit any message, information, data, text, software or graphic files, or other materials ('Content') that is unlawful (including illegal drug usage), harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, hateful or racially, ethnically, sexually or otherwise objectionable. This includes publicizing private information, such as individual's real names, IP addresses and anything else that might be used to identify them to the freakier members of the internet. This also means you may NOT publically share private communications (PM, email or anything else) without the original poster's permission.
  • DO NOT Post or transmit any Content that contains a virus, Trojan horse or other mischievous Content.
  • DO NOT Post or transmit any unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, 'junk mail', 'spam', 'chain letters', 'pyramid schemes' or any other form of solicitation.
  • DO NOT link to posts on any other forums, or any other form of media, that breaches our rules. It will be treated just the same as if you had posted it here.
  • DO NOT Double Post, cross Post, 'necro post' or restart closed threads.
  • DO NOT Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, rule or regulation.
  • DO NOT Upload or transmit any Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights ('Rights') of any party.
  • DO NOT complain about being banned from a server and DO NOT complain about other players on servers - that is between you and the admin, no need to get the community involved.

Username, Avatar and Signature Rules
  • Multiple registrations result in a ban.
  • No offensive user names
  • Avatars:
    Avatars are disabled.
  • All signatures should not exceed the following size limits, you can have both text and images
  • - For text signatures: 4 lines normal size, 8 lines small size and up to 100 chars per line. Font sizes above 2 are not allowed. (Blank lines count as lines.)
  • - For images in signatures: 1 image up to 400 pixels wide, 150 pixels tall and 100kb in size plus 2 lines normal size text and up to 100 chars per line
Netiquette: Written text has no inflection, and, as such, you should be careful how you write your messages as interpretation will vary from person to person. Please take advantage of the built-in emoticons to add such expression to your words. Please remember the golden rule: to treat other forum users the way you would like to be treated. Please use common courtesy, and enjoy using Red Orchestra's forums
The following is a list of some things that MAY be considered 'offensive' by the moderators and the team. This is NOT an exclusive list and it does depend very much on context.Killing floor server
Crossing the line into 'offensive' territory is likely to get you asked to change your name, sig or avatar or to withdraw/delete posts. This will be done politely by the moderators. If you refuse to comply further action WILL be taken once started, ultimately leading to banning from the forums.
Kf2 dedicated server tool A key point: please attempt to use your brains. What is mild humour to you may well be deeply offensive to others. While we have no intention of acting as politically-correct 'thought police', we are on the lookout for those things that can cause offense and, in some cases, are actually still illegal in some jurisdictions.

Update Killing Floor 2 Server

  1. Names recalling notorious war criminals or personalities.
  2. Names recalling atrocities and war crimes in general, or units with particularly odious histories.
  3. Use of obscenities and expletives.
  4. Blatant racism, mysogynism or many other 'ism's.
  5. Use of symbolism and regalia recalling Nazism or Fascism; this does not include pics of soldiers who happen to have such symbols on their uniform, unless we feel this has been done to provoke. Please note that many Nazi symbols (including the Swastika) are still illegal in Germany and other countries and considered deeply offensive by many Europeans.
  6. Use of symbolism and regalia recalling Stalinism.
  7. On both the previous two, the moderators' views on the intention and impact of use of such symbols will be final - not yours. Please be understanding if you are advised to change something.
  8. In general, if a sig/avatar represents your allegiances in-game and is clearly 'in part', it is likely to be fine; if the moderators feel you are trying to demonstrate unpalatable political allegiances, or to use it in an attempt to ridicule or provoke others you WILL be asked to change it. RO is NOT the place to make any extremist political statements of any kind.


Killing Floor 2 Dedicated Server Not Showing Up Windows 10

So people get the idea, some examples that would be considered offensive, numbered as above:
  1. 'Hitler', 'Beria'
  2. 'NKVD Blocking Detachment', 'Einsatzgruppen'
  3. This one should be pretty obvious...
  4. So should this - and it includes calling all Germans 'Nazis' and all Soviets/Russians 'Commies'. It got boring 50 years ago, so stop it.
  5. Use of swastikas, fasces, SS-runes and so on for the Axis.
  6. There is actually very little overt symbolism from the Stalinist era; the hammer-and-sickle isn't offensive per se.

A simple rule-of-thumb: many Europeans find Nazi symbolism of any sort offensive; many Americans still find Soviet symbolism offensive. Engage your brain before using.
Final Note: this is NOT open to debate, so please do NOT start whining and moaning if a moderator asks you to change something. They will advise at first, giving reasons, then, if you take no notice, they will step up the pressure through to banning.
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