Wamp Server Virtual Host Setup

I need your help here in creating a virtual host in wampserver. In office I can create a virtual hosts but when I try to create in my laptop it doesn't work. I still can't figure out what's wrong. Here's what I did.

  1. Wampserver
  2. Wamp Server Virtual Host Setup Windows 10
  3. Wamp Remove Virtual Host

Create virtual hosts in a WAMP server. Also, if you need to serve the virtual host on a non-standard port, change it in the VirtualHost directive line. The reference to c.

Wamp Server Virtual Host Setup
  1. I copy the wordpress file in this folder. This will be the path of my project

    • E:Subversionchelle.wpblog.local
  2. I edit the host file

    • C:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts
    • I added it to the end of file chelle.wpblog.local

  3. Next is I enable the virtual host in Apache

    • C:wampbinapacheApache2.4.4confhttpd.conf
    • I uncomment this

      Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

  4. Next is I setup the virtual host in WAMP

    • C:wampbinapacheApache2.4.4confextrahttpd-vhosts.conf
    • I add this at the bottom

  5. Last is restart wampserver and open the chelle.wpblog.local in the browser. And it doesn't display. It display only google search results.

Donald Duck
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5 Answers

I was installing the zend framework on my local wamp using apache server.First go and decide what will be your domain name for the local url.Ex->zend_tutorialthen go and open the file located at 'C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetc'


write (use one tab space) zend_tutorial

then go to the folder located at

D:wampbinapacheApache2.2.17 (whatever is your version) conf

and open the file


and search for text

Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

and uncomment it by removing the # tag from the start of the line.Save the file and close it.Now go to another folder located at


and open the file



and paste the code below at the last in this file

and restart the wamp, now write the zend_tutorial in the browser and you will see the things working.


Wamp Server Virtual Host Setup Windows 10

If when you use the new domain in the browser it goes to a google search or something like that then the change to your hosts file has not been recognised.

You have to either reboot after changing the hosts file or more simply run these 2 commands from a command windows ( as administrator )

This will refresh windows DNS cache and pick up your hosts file changes.

It is also a good idea to ping your new domain to check it is being seen, use

If it reports as the ip address and 4 send and 4 receieved packet then the domain is now known to Windows, if it reports some other ip address the hosts file change has not succeeded.

Also it is a good idea when creating VHOSTS to also create one for localhost or the wamp home page will not work.You also have old Apache 2.2 syntax (Order allow,deny allow from all) you could try using the Apache 2.4 syntax, see below

So try this

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In WampServer 3.0.4 you do not need to run through all those setting up.Go to local host and under Tools area for 'Add a Vertual Host' in the first time it will say turn on 'Vertual Host sub menu' in wamp server settings. To get there right click on wamp icon > go to wamp server settings > and click on Vertual Host sub menu. Then re-fresh the page and follow the setup process, you just need to provide the server name and path. It will do all the works for you. Simple as that


Method 1:

in hosts file

in C:wamp64binapacheapache2.4.23confextrahttpd-vosts.conf file add your virtual host as follows

Make sure vhost configuration is enable in httpd.conf file is enabled as followsC:wamp64binapacheapache2.4.23confhttpd.conf

After you have changed configuration as above, restart all service in wamp and load website as followshttp://mysiteyour local site should open.

Method 2:

In latest versions of wamp, you can do this configuration via webpage.Open localhost in your browser. You would see wamp welcome page.

Down below under Tools, there is option to add virtual host. click on the link which would take you to add virtual host page.

In Name of the host, enter your site name eg: mysiteUnder Complete absolute path of the VirtualHost folder, enter the path of your site.

Save the config and restart all services. you should be able to open mysite with the link http://mysite

As pointed in another answer, in newer versions of wam

Vikalp VeerVikalp Veer

The answers above are overcomplicating the problem somewhat, and in fact the question is including extra information that's misleading the responders.

Wamp Remove Virtual Host

The clues lie in step 2 and the symptoms described in 5. The hosts file is set up but when the request is made to 'blah.local', google responds. Apache is not involved.

The first step to diagnosis would be pinging blah.local and seeing that it maps correctly to I have never (in many years as a developer) found it necessary to restart local DNS on either Windows or Linux/Mac so I would expect this to work out of the box. But if it doesn't, of course restart DNS and see that it does.

However, late versions of Chrome at least do not recognize the TLD '.local' and so when you put the URL back in the browser, it's passed on to Google as a search term. There may be a setting in your browser to tell it to handle the unsanctioned TLD, but your simplest solution would be to use a TLD that's sanctioned by W3C like '.com'.

In short, if your hosts file reads something like

rather than

everything should work.

Keith NordstromKeith Nordstrom

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