Dragon Age Grey Warden Symbol

This has been bugging me for a while. Once I spotted the griffon on Aveline's chest piece, I couldn't help but wonder why that is. I looked into. Follow/Fav Dragon Age: Tale of the Wardens By: Optimus524 The Blight has come to Ferelden and it's up to six Grey Wardens to save whole of Thedas: an exiled princess, a Carta thug, a Circle Mage, the last of the Couslands, a city elf and a Dalish storyteller.


This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.

Mods requiring this file

Mod nameNotes
Companions and NPC Morph Collection by ViLiSSa
Grey Warden Armor Retex DAO
Spirit Healer Trainerat least the main file: Core Mod GWoF - REQUIRED or one NPC will be naked.
Valor the Warden
Warden Alistair wears Warden Armour - DA-2 style medium
Warden Alistair Wears Warden Armour - DA2-style heavy
Warden Alistair Wears Warden Armour - DA2-style massive
Warden Armor Chest
Wood Mage Staff
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  • Version 2.5

    • Added the Blighted Grey Warden Commander Armor set.
    • Added Ruck merchant to sell the blighted armor set with infinite number.
    • Changed Sophia's dryden equipment to wear the blighted armor set, fully dropabble along with the vanilla Grey Warden Commander armor and shield.
    • Reduced all Armor and weapons into Tier 1 with evolving materials based on your level. You may sell and rebuy them to/from merchants to upgrade the material tier.
  • Version 2.0

    • Added Wade and Herren's shop to sell the warden armors and weapons in Vigil's Keep in Awakening.
    • Set the number of stack of items sold by Mikhael Dryden's shop in Soldier's Peak as well as Wade and Herren's shop in Vigil's Keep in Awakening to have infinite 99x stack of each item.

Chapter 2

Let me know if I made any mistakes. Chapter three will take longer to finish I can't really say when it will be done.



'So Ariela, the Darkspawn will be on us soon, I was thinking we can have.. fun.' Ariela only smirked at the man in front of her.

'Do I take that smirk as a yes?' The man said hopefully.

'Yes you do Daveth.. but only if you can handle me.' She said in a soft seductive voice.

'Trust me, I know I can.' He said confidently, Ariela smiled and began to circle Daveth placing her hand on his shoulder sliding it across his shoulders as she walked. She then stopped next to him and whispered into his ear.

'Oh really.. what if I told you I can finish you with only my tongue.' She smile widened when Daveth mouth opened a little.

'Or if I can grip your pride so tightly it will make you scream like a woman.' She chuckled as Daveth let out a cough.

'If you think you can handle that.. you better be able to satisfy because if you can't..' Daveth yelped as she grabbed his pride giving it a hard squeeze.

'I'll cut it off.' She whispered into his ear then let the man go and stepped back still smiling as she crossing her arms leaning on one leg.

'So what do you say?'

'On second thought never mind I.. uh I..'Daveth stuttered covering his pride this caused Ariela to laugh out loud.

'That's what I thought.' She said as she began to walk away.

Ariela inherited her blue skin, long black hair, green eyes, and beauty from her mother this made her desired by most men, and women of Thedas which she uses to her advantage. She is both an Assassin and Scout for the Stormguard.

As an assassin she once killed one of her targets by allowed herself to be taken as a slave by a Tevinter General and after sleeping with him killed him in his sleep, as a scout she's very skilled in stealth able to track her enemies and learn their strength, weakness, and numbers.

She wore a hauberks with a black fur cloak, leather gloves, a brown belt with a white loincloth on her front which reached just above her knees, brown pants and knee high boots.

In combat she uses a Stalhrim sword which she created herself during her training which she named 'Blue Death,' and being a Dark Elf is a master in destruction spells.

She walked into the Legions command tent to find her mother standing next to Commander Vitallion over a table with a map of Ostager.

Liselle was wearing a full set of Carved Nordic armor, a red ruby amulet on her armored chest, at first glance one would mistake it for being the Amulet of Kings but it was not, it was the Amulet of the Last Dragonborn a gift give to Liselle by an unknown person.

There was a red scarf wrapped around her neck and slung over her left shoulder creating a thin cape reaching down to the small of her back, she had three swords, a great sword strapped to her back, Ulfvinder strapped to her right hip and a short sword on her left.

Liselle like her daughter had blue skin, black shoulder length hair tied in a pony tail and a single braid on the side of her face, she has several scars one started from the right corner of her mouth going up to her ear were she was missing an earlobe, she had another starting just under her right eye but this one look like a saber cat slashed at her giving her three scars going at a downward angle crossing over the first scar stopping just above her lower jaw, and the last was a side ways scar across the bridge her nose.

The scars took nothing away from her beauty they seemed to add to it and also say, yes she is beautful but dangerous and not to be trifled with.

She's quite tall as well standing the same height as a nord and had the build of a strong nordic woman, but unlike her daughter instead of green eyes Liselle had hazel almost yellow colored eyes.

Commander Vitallion was speaking, Ariela remain silent.

'.. don't like Cailans strategy to charge the Darkspawn in the open field, the Seventeenth is only at half strength. We can win this battle but we need to stay on the defensive.' Vitallion is a middle aged well muscled Imperial he had blue eyes, short brown hair, signs of a faint beard, and a single scar on the corner of his right eye, he wore the red Legion Centurion armor.

'You may not like it but you have no choice, you know how important this alliance is to the Empire you will have to hold out until this Arl Eammon's forces and the Third Legion arrive to relief you.' Liselle said, Vitallion sighed Ariela cleared her throat before speaking.

'Mother, Commander Vitallion.' The two in front of her look up a her. Liselle was the first to speak.

'Ariela what have you discovered?' She asked.

She walked to the table, there was three sets of small flags. Fereldan was seen as red flags with the Mabari crest on it, the Legion Crimson flags with a dragon, and the Darkspawn were simple black flags.

'The Darkspawn are gathering here.' Ariela grabbed one of the black flags and placed it just south of the Wilds.

'They'll be here by night fall. I counted nearly forty thousand.' Vitallion shook his head.

'So soon after killing nearly ten thousand of them only two weeks ago, by the Nines these damn Darkspawn are limitless.' He shouted slamming his fists on the table knocking over several of the flags and other objects that were on the table.

Over the year Vitallion has been fighting the Darkspawn he has had to deal with Cailins childish ways of war and after losing half of his Legion it has taken its toll on him, the only reason he and the Seventeenth has not left is because of the what the Alliance meant to the Empire.

When the Empire began trading with Fereldan it boosted both the Factions Economies and the Empire needed an ally in Thedas with every other faction hostile toward them.

After taking a deep breath he look at Ariela.

'Thank you for your report.' Ariela only nodded, Vitallion then looked at Liselle.

'Grandmaster I will send for you later, I have to talk to Cailin try to convince him of his fool plan.' He said grabbing his helmet from the table then walked out of the tent leaving Liselle and Ariela.

'This arrived for you Ariela.' Liselle said handing her daughter a roll of parchment which she took, she opened it and read to herself.

Dragon Age Grey Warden Symbol

'Duncan has requested my help in the Wilds.' Ariela sighed in disappointment.

'And here I was hoping he would reconsider my invite to my tent.' She sighed again.

'This also arrived this morning while you were out in the Wilds.' Liselle held out a second parchment along with a small box.

Ariela took it and opened the parchment first and again she read to herself.

When she finished she place the parchment on the table and opened the box when she saw the content of the box she let out a small chuckle, she pull a necklace out of the box, she held it up to see a small poorly carved sparrow its wings uneven and had no textures, one of its feet was broken off, the body had several scratches from a knife on it, Ariela laid it in her hand and smiled as she ran her finger over it then look up to her mother who also gave a small smile.

'She's getting better.' She chuckled again.

'I best be off mother.' Ariela said as she put the necklace on, Liselle only nodded as Ariela exited the tent still smiling.


Grey Warden Camp

Duncan was standing near a large fire when Elissa returned Alistair in tow they were talking seeming to enjoy each other, Elissa laughing at Alistair's joke as they approached.

'You found Alistair then good, we can proceed with the joining then, Assuming of course, that you're quite finished riling up the Legions Battlemages, Alistair.' Duncan said looking at the young man who only smirked.

'What can I say? The revered mother ambushed me. The way she wields guilt they should stick her in the army.' He joked, Duncan just gave a bland face.

'She forced you to sass the mages, did she? We cannot afford to antagonize anyone Alistair. We don't need to give anyone more ammunition against us.' Alistair sighed.

'You're right, Duncan. I.. apologize.' He said.

'Good, now go find the rest of the recruits.' Alistair nodded then left returning a short while later with Daveth and Ser Jory. After short introductions Duncan spoke.

'Now then, since you are all here, we can begin.' He began.

'Your will be heading into the Korcari Wilds to perform two tasks. The first is to obtain three vials of darkspawn blood, one for each recruit.' When Duncan finished Elissa spoke.

'Why do we need darkspawn blood?' She asked.

'For the Joining.' Was all Duncan said, he continued.

'The second task is a Grey Warden archive in the Wilds, abandoned long ago when we could no longer afford to maintain such remote outposts.' He said.

'It has recently come to our attention that some scrolls have been left behind, magically sealed to protect them. Alistair, I want you to retrieve these scrolls if you can.' Duncan look at Alistair who only nodded.

'What are these scrolls?' Ser Jory asked.

'Old treaties, promises of support made to the Grey Wardens long ago.' Duncan answered

'So Darkspawn blood, and the Grey Warden Treaties?' Elissa asked, Duncan nodded

'There is one other thing, another will be accompany you she knows the Wilds better then anyone in this camp, She should be..' Duncan was interrupted by a female voice.

'I'm here Duncan though I'm disappointed you didn't summon me to your tent.' Everyone turned to see Ariela approach smirking at Duncan.

'Ah.. Ariela.' Duncan said rubbing his forehead as she approached.

'Come now Duncan don't tell me your the least bit interested in spending a night with me.' She purred stepping closer to the Warden Commander.

'Ariela please I requested your help in the wilds nothing more.' Duncan said firmly stepping away from the Dark Elf who shrugged.

'Very well, I'm here waiting for your orders.. sir.' Ariela said sarcastically as she gave a mocking bow. Duncan sighed in frustration.

'I need you to help us find a Grey Warden outpost in the Wilds, have you found anything when you were scouting.' Ariela nodded dropping her care free nature and became professional.

'Far south near a small darkspawn camp there is a ruined tower, it had a Grey Warden symbol it may be your outpost.'

'Can you take my recruits there?' Ariela nodded.

'Yes I can, when they are ready I will take them.'

'Good any questions?' Duncan asked looking at his three recruits, they all shook there head. Ariela then spoke.

'Then follow me.' She said walking toward the gate leading into the wilds the four following.


Stormguard Camp

Duncan waited until the group left when he walked toward the Stormguard camp. He made his way through the camp seeing the mercenaries of the Stormguard stare at him with distrust and disdain as he past, Duncan ignored them and continued on.

He saw Liselle stand with her arms crossed near a camp fire, and next to her was the Second of the Stormguard a Cathay-raht Khajiit name H'gar he wore heavy steel plate armor with two massive claymore swords across his back a very large tankard in his equally large hand.

The Cathay-raht have pointed ears, wide yellow eyes, mottled pied fur, and having a whip like tail. They are known for being very fast, agile, and strong able to jump incredible heights and distancees with great dexterity.

H'gar himself is well known for his battle prowess able to wield both his claymore swords with ease cutting multiple opponents down with a single swing.

Duncan felt like a dwarf when he came to a stop next to him do to the fact the Khajiit was three and a half heads taller them him and incredibly well build, his biceps alone were larger then Duncan's head.

'Grandmaster Liselle.' He spoke, the two look at him and when Liselle saw him she sighted and looked back to the fire shaking her head.

'Duncan, come to request recruits..' Liselle said in annoyance.

'Again.' She added.

'You know we need recruits to fight the Archdemon, and your Stormguard will be a great asset to the Grey Wardens.' He said, Liselle shook her head still not looking at him.

Dragon Age Grey Warden Symbol Images

'Nearly everyone you have recruited have mysteriously been found dead. The Dalish, and City elfs, the Mage from the Circle, as well as the two Dwarfs you recruited a few months ago' H'gar's deep voice said, Duncan frowned at him then looked back at Liselle.

'I know what the joining involves Duncan.' Liselle said turning back to face him, Duncan kept a neutral expression but Liselle was good at reading a person and she saw the shock, and anger, Duncan was good but one thing betrayed him, his eyes they told Liselle everything, Duncan knew this and mentally cursed himself.

'And what of your orders joining?' Duncan asked a small amount of anger in his voice, Liselle gave him a neutral expression.

'Then you know why I will not allow it Duncan.' She said her voice calm, she turned back to the fire, she knew he was bluffing about knowing what her secrets were, she hear him let out a sigh.

'You Wardens always say you are the only ones who can kill the Archdemon?' H'gar asked taking a large gulp from his tankard before continuing.

'Why is that? What is stopping the Grandmaster from killing it herself?' He motioned to Liselle with his free hand.

'It must be a Warden.' Was all Duncan said, H'gar snorted.

'Why?' Liselle asked before H'gar could ask himself, Duncan remained silent making Liselle shake her head.

Liselle never like Duncan but she had some respect for him when they first met several months ago, until she discovered the Grey Wardens Joining from Ariela, then the Warden Commander was seen dragging a young Dalish elf boy kicking and screaming through the camp several weeks ago to be forced to join the Wardens and only a day later the boy was found dead by her daughter a stab wound in his stomach, at that point Liselle had no respect for him.

The three were interrupted by a nervous Legion runner.

'G.. Grandmaster Liselle.' He said bowing to the Dark Elf.

'The.. the Commander has summoned you.'

Liselle nodded then turned to Duncan.

'The answer is still no you will find no recruits here.. and your Conscription has no power over us, we will help you defeat the darkspawn but none of us will become Wardens. Now kindly show yourself out of my camp.' Liselle said before following the runner and leaving Duncan with H'gar who had turned away from him taking large gulp from his massive tankard.

'Yet another failure.' Duncan thought to himself as he let out a sigh.

'H'gar.' He said bowing to the Khajiit.

'Duncan.' The large Khajiit said not even turning to Duncan.

Duncan has tried and failed many time to recruit members of the Stormguard.

When he first tried to recruit from them, they all refused, and when he made the mistake of attempting to Conscripting Liselle's daughter Ariela it earned him nothing but a beating and a new scar from Liselle herself.


The Wilds

Grey Warden Commander Armor

'I never seen a Elf like you before.' Elissa said as she walked next to Ariela who smirked at her.

'Well I'm glad to be your first.' She said causing Elissa to blush a little, this made Ariela chuckle.

'I'm not surprised, Dark elfs rarely come to Thedas most that are here are Legion soldiers, the rest are in Morrowind rebuilding from a volcanic explosion of Red mountain but its slo..' She stopped causing everyone to look at her confused.

Her eyes darted around the area looking for something.

'What is it?' Jory asked, his hand on his sword.

'Darkspawn.' Alistair answered unsheathing his sword and shield everyone else readying their own weapons.

Load roaring sounds caused the group to look ahead of them, several yards away was a large group of darkspawn revealed themselves from their hiding places charging blindly at the smaller group, everyone readied themselves.

Ariela blocked the Hurlocks sword that was aimed at her neck, she retaliated by shooting a stream of fire from her free hand in to the face of the Hurlock, it clawed at its face as its boiled skin peeled away, it kept clawing at its face until it was dead a short while later.

Elissa kept her distance shooting any darkspawn that tried to flank her companions.

Ariela out of the corner of her eye saw Jory being knocked to the ground the darkspawn raising its sword to finish him she charged at it, she jump kicked it in the chest causing it to stumble away from Jory, Ariela pressed her attacks with several slashes across the creatures chest then swung her sword in in a arc severing its head.

Both Alistair, and Daveth were holding their own, Alistair blocking and countering with his sword and shield, and Daveth was using his daggers, and speed to easily evade, and back stab his attackers.

Ariela looked at Jory and held out her hand.

'Get up and fight.' She shouted Jory grabbed her hand and was surprised when he felt his body be effortlessly pulled to his feet.

The Warden Dragon Age

Both Ariela and Jory joined the fight again.

Elissa was fight off some of her own Darkspawn attackers who broke off from the fight and charged her, she used one of her arrows to stab a Hurlock in its throat quickly pulling it out notching it and shooting a charging Genlock. She then spun around kneeling as she did so and notching another arrow shooting and killing Genlock sneaking behind her.

She then rolled back away from a Hurlock wielding a massive hammer who tried to crush her, the hammer hit the ground making a thumping sound, the hurlock hissed in anger as it lifted the hammer back up and began to swing it around wildly hitting a tree splintering it to pieces, Elissa again rolled away from the creature casting her bow aside and reaching for her daggers strapped to her belt. Doom 3 boss guide.

As she stood she unsheathed her blades and turned to the Hurlock, Elissa took a low stance her daggers in a reverse grip. The creature charged forward lifting the hammer over it head, Elissa also charged forward making several strikes to the Hurlock chest then rolled past as the hammer came down.

This only seemed to angry the Hurlock even more, it spun swing the hammer around, Elissa was able to evade most of the blow but it caught her hand causing her to scream it pain as she felt the bones in her hand break causing her to drop the dagger.

Elissa pulled her injured hand to her chest and raised her uninjured hand to defend herself.

The Hurlock charged forward but was stopped by a ball a flame that hit the Hurlock in the face stunning it.

Elissa look behind her to see Ariela, her hand raised.

Ariela charged forward jumping over Elissa her sword raised over her, as she came down she brought the sword down in a ark slicing into the Hurlock shoulder cutting deep, the hurlock shoulder yawned open black blood spraying out.

Ariela stepped back away from the corpse avoiding the tainted blood and turned to Elissa who cradled her broken hand to her chest. Ariela walked toward Elissa digging out a healing potion from her pack.

'Here, take this.' She said holding out the red liquid filled bottle.

Elissa nodded her thanks as she took it awkwardly uncorking it with her uninjured hand and drink it instantly she felt the bones in her hand began to heal, a few moments later she made a fist testing if it was fully healed a little pain but nothing she couldn't handle.

'You rely on your bow to much.' Ariela said, bending down grabbing Elissa discarded bow.

'I'm not use to melee combat.' Elissa said, Ariela nodded.

'You will need to learn to if you want to survive as a Warden.' Ariela said tossing the bow to the young Cousland who easily caught it. The two returned to the others who have finished off the rest of the Darkspawn attackers.

'If you need the blood collect it now.' She said as she pulled out a rag from her pack. The three recruit nodded as they walked toward the fallen Darkspawn bodies.

Ariela used the rag to wiped the black blood off her blade, when it was clean she threw the blood coated rag into the swamp.

Elissa along with Jory and Daveth were collecting the Darkspawn blood into small vials when Alistair spoke.

'How much farther is the outpost?' He asked.

'Just over this hill my dear Warden.' She answered with a smirk, Alistair blushed as she walked away.

When the group reached the top of the hill they saw the outpost which was a small ruined tower. When they entered the tower they found it mostly empty save a few broken chests and the few contents inside them were damaged.

Ariela stood watch as the Wardens searched the tower.

Elissa was looking through a broken chest when a voice spoke.

'Well, well. What have we here?'


For people who don't know a Cathay-raht is it's a species of Khajiit that is very tall, and strong. They are born when the moons Masser is waxing and Secunda is waning. If you want to know more about them either look at the Elder Scrolls Wiki or go to Youtube and look for the channel (Shobbycasts elder scrolls lore.)