How Many Soma To Overdose

Medication and Drugs/Drug Safety/Drug Addiction/Muscle Relaxants
  1. How Many Soma To Overdose 5
  2. How Many Soma To Overdose In Children

Yes, you can overdose on muscle relaxers. It is alwaysrecommended that you follow the dosage recommended on the bottle,these dosages aren't guidline...they're lifelines becauseoverdosing on any drug can be lethal. Muscle relaxers when takencorrectly can relieve a person from pain...either from tension orsome other injury. Taking more than recommended however, puts yourbody in serious danger. Breathing is done through a person'sdiaphragm (the muscles between the ribs and the abdominal muscles),heart and lungs. Since the diaphragm is a muscle (as well as theheart and the lungs) overdosing on muscle relaxers (of anykind) can relax these very important muscles to the point wherethey are no longer working or no longer working hard enough to meetthe body's needs. This is why it's very important to pay attentionto what your exact dosage is and any side effects you mayhave while on it (difficulty breathing, chest pain extremedrowsiness or dizziness etc.) If a person suspected of musclerelaxer overdose is admitted to the ER it is considered a veryserious thing (as with any other drug OD). Blood will be takenimmediately to determine how much the person took and how much ofthe drug is in the blood stream. Breathing and heart rate will beclosely monitored and oxygen will be given to make sure enough isgetting to the brain. Since it takes 24-48 hours for the drugs toexit your system (though it relies a lot on how much was taken, howclose together and when) hospitals will want to admit the patientto the ICU so that they can carefully monitor them for the durationrecommended by the attending physician Large overdoses can cause aperson to go into a coma and/or leave them with permanent brain,heart or liver damage. It is a very serious thing. We are fortunateto be able to buy and use these drugs to help us when we need themhowever, we need to remember that we also have a responsibility totake any form of drug.

Can too much muscle relaxants stop the heart?

Definitely. Your heart is a muscle, and muscle relaxers do exactly what they sound like: relax your muscles. An overdose of muscle relaxers can also relax your diaphragm (the muscle beneath you lungs that contracts and expands, allowing you to breathe). Relaxation of the diaphragm would inhibit contraction and, therefore, breathing.

Will pain killers help a pulled muscle in back or muscle relaxers and exercises?

Can you mix muscle relaxers with pain pills?

Soma overdose symptoms can occur in anyone who takes too much of this medication, including individuals who have a legitimate prescription for the drug. However, an overdose is more likely in people who abuse Soma, including those who take large doses at once or who take doses more frequently than prescribed. How much Soma ingested can cause an overdose while having stage 4 metastatic breast cancer? How much Soma ingested can cause an overdose? I have stage IV, triple negative, metastatic Breast Cancer. I have been sick for 6 years and have a high tolerance of drugs. I weigh 128 lbs. I am in a lot of pain.

can you take muscle relaxers with the pain medication oxycodone?

How long does it take for muscle relaxers to leave your system?

It could take days for certain muscle relaxers to leave your system. Most muscle relaxers will leave your system within 24 hours.

Will muscle relaxers show in urine drug test?

Muscle relaxers like Soma and Flexaril do Not show up in drug tests

Can you take barbiturates and muscle relaxers together?

You sure can. In fact both drugs are, often times, more effective when taken together. Just be sure to monitor intake, and not overdose. -Doc-

Are muscle relaxers illegal?

Is lortab a muscle relaxer?

No, it's a pain pill. To explain: Lortab is a combination of hydrocodone and Tylenol, which helps to relieve pain. Muscle relaxers are usually more like Advil but stronger. Lortabs will help with muscle pain but not as well as muscle relaxers. Muscle relaxers will only help with pain relating to muscles or inflammation.

How long does it take for muscle relaxers to get out of your system?

Can you take diclofenac with muscle relaxants?

Marijuana and muscle relaxers?

Sniffing muscle relaxers?

Can you take oxycodone and muscle relaxers together?

Should you take muscle relaxers with Cymbalta?

How long can muscle relaxers be deteced in urine?

Can you mix steroids and muscle relaxers?

yes I feel you can but it depends on what kind of muscle relaxer

Can i die from taking muscle relaxers and smoking pot?

'dont know about the muscle relaxer part, but you can from smoking pot.' What the hell? No you can't die from smoking Pot. It's one of those drugs you just can't overdose on. Anyway, if you're asking if you can die from taking a muscle relaxer and then smoking a bowl, that's still definitely a no.

What Happens When you take 2 muscle relaxers?

What happens when you mix Ambien and muscle relaxers?

Do muscle relaxers make you fat?

no, there is no correlation between weight gain and muscle relaxers. However, they relax both body and mind, which may lead a user to make unwise food choices.

Can you die from overdosing on muscle relaxers?

you can faint or have seizures. but mostly it CAN lead to death. any overdose of medicine can have its consequences. Absolutely yes. The effects depend upon what the chemicals are in the 'muscle relaxer'. Even acetaminophen ( one Brand Name being Tylenol) can be fatal if taken in a too large a quantity.

Do muscle relaxers affect high blood pressure?

Muscle relaxers may have an effect on high blood pressure. It is important to use only those prescribed to you by a doctor so you get the correct medication and dosage.

What is a twitch in electromyography?

electromyography is about muscle relaxers and contractions testing devise.

How are muscle relaxers given?

Can muscle relaxers be sniffed?

How many soma to overdose and stop heart

What muscle relaxers can you give to a dog?

Dogs can not have muscle relaxers if you give them muscle relaxers Cats can't either If you do take them to the Nearest vet ---- Dogs should not be given any human-intended drugs or medicinal substances. Please consult a trained veterinarian for suitable medications. If you have experience with positive results and/or are trained, you could try a gentle massage. However, you should be careful with that.

What is the street value of muscle relaxers?

What drugs can make barbiturates show up on a drug test?

Can you take muscle relaxers and dilautin?

no, because 'dilautin' is not an actual marketed drug

What helps a pull muscle?

Vicodin or another pain reliever and muscle relaxers. You will want to rest the muscle as well. I would consult a doctor, they can be painful.

Can you take 600 mg ibuprofen with muscle relaxers?

depends on the muscle relaxer one of the most common is tizaniden and yes with that

Can you take muscle relaxers with metoprolol?

Metoprolol is a BP medication. There should be no ill effects of also taking a muscle relaxer.

What contains barbiturate?

Answer muscle relaxants: flrxeril etc. Barbitutes are most often found in drugs like Firorecet and Seconal. Not muscle relaxers. Barbiturates are very addictive and very few muscle relaxers have that time of drug in them.. yes it is a barbituate Phentermine is in the amphetamine and phenethylamine class of drugs.

Can you take hydrocodne with muscle relaxers?

depends how much MG the Hydrocodone and how much MG the muscle relaxers, just like if someone had a beer n took a benzo or such they may just get a lil more 'inebreiated' but depends on person, but it generally a no no

How long can muscle relaxers be detected in urine laboratory testing?

Most muscle relaxers are non narcotic and aren't tested for. Valium is the only medication that I can think of that is sometimes used as a muscle relaxer that may show up on a test (it is a benzodiazapine). It usually stays in the system for 5-7 days.

Can you die from mixing a muscle relaxer with marijuana?

hell no I'd only gonna die if u taketoo many muscle relaxers

Is soma and norflex the same type of muscle relaxer?

i just want to know if soma and norflex are the same type of muscle relaxers.

Drug of choice for systemic lupus erethymatous?


Do muscle relaxers show up in drug tests?

Can you drink beer while taking muscle relaxers?

can you? of course! Should you? should be on the label

Can you snort muscle relaxers?

Well, yes. BUT! I do not advise it because it WILL BURN your nose and sinuses.

How many muscle relaxers would kill you?

Can you take muscle relaxants with Fentanyl patches?

It depends on each patients, but for most Fentanyl patients, using muscle relaxers such as Flexeril is not uncommon.

Are soma and norflex the same type of muscle relaxer?

I just want to know if the 2 muscle relaxers called Soma and Norflex the same or not.

Can you take suboxone while taking somas?

Yes. Muscle relaxers are fine to take with Suboxone

How Many Soma To Overdose 5

Do muscle relaxers and pain killers show up as the same in urine tests?

Can you mix muscle relaxers?

NO to many muscle relaxers can do harm to your body you should only take one at a time, if your taking flexerall stay with it and don't change unless your doctor tells you to again always ask your pharmacist they know what drugs interact with each other.

How much carisoprodol is fatal

Can you take muscle relaxers and ibuprofen together?

Yes, there is no problem in taking those 2 drugs together.

Can you take pain medication and muscle relaxers together?

depends on how strong they are and also what other medications ur on

Are all muscle relaxers narcotics?

How Many Soma To Overdose In Children

No, few if any of them are. Some narcotics can certainly have a muscle relaxant effect, but muscle relaxants - an important therapeutic part of medicine - are completely different kinds of compounds.