File Explorer Keeps Opening On Its Own

Jun 04, 2015  file explorer just keeps popping up randomly and repeatedly. It always brings it to the front and tabs me out of whatever i was doing before. Its doing it right now while im typing this. Please help this is annoying enough that i might just wipe to be rid of it. Most of Windows 10 users are complaining about File explorer crashing problem. People affected with this problem when try to open a folder or drive, file explorer crashes abruptly. Now, here are some quick fixes to get rid of the problem. Step 1: – Search Display settings in Start menu search box.

  1. File Explorer Keeps Opening On Its Own House
  2. File Explorer Opens On Its Own
  3. File Explorer Keeps Opening On Its Own Day

When working I will have multiple windows of file explorer open at a time. If I than start working on something else and leave those windows open in the background, they will close themselves leaving only one of them open. I have tried going into task manager and restarting file exploiter and that didn't fix it. i am running Windows 10 pro. Does any one have any ideas on how to fix?

Thank you!

File explorer keeps opening on its own youtube
Austin SalisburyAustin Salisbury

2 Answers

Possibility #1

If the folder is deleted or moved explorer windows will close themselves. Are these folders being manipulated in anyway?

Possibility #2

The other possibility is explorer having too many files open at once. A good fix for this is to enable 'Launch folder Windows in a separate Process'. It's a little know feature of windows that allows the machine to separate file/folder access from the Explorer GUI process (been around since XP).

It can be found under Control Panel > File Explorer Options > 'View' Tab > Launch folder Windows in a separate Process

Possibility #3

Alternatively, you can check to make sure that explorer hasn't become corrupted.

  1. Launch an administrator commandline (Win + X) -> Press 'A'
  2. Click yes to accept the UAC prompt
  3. Type this command 'sfc /scannow' (without the quotes)

Back to the future game ps3. Windows will scan all of its core files and fix any problem it finds. I am an IT professional and explorer generally starts to behave after theses steps have been exhausted.


If there's a network glitch, where a local Windows Explorer senses that a Network Share is no longer available, the OS WILL close Windows Explorer which was previously viewing said share. No error, no warning. 100% frustrating. Most users would prefer seeing an error with a REFRESH / RETRY option.

Paulie DPaulie D

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Aug. 30, 2018 / Updated by Bessie Shaw to Windows 10

File Explorer Keeps Opening On Its Own House

“Probably once a month I experience File Explorer closing on its own. I'll reopen it and it will only stay open for a matter of seconds. It will do it again and again. I've even tried restarting my computer and it will still do it.” – Quoted from Reddit

After install Windows 10, many users have been bothered by File Explorer crashing issue. When the File Explorer keeps crashing, it’s really annoying. If you are looking for solutions to this issue, you are in the right place. Below are some tricks for you to fix the File Explorer keeps crashing issue on Windows 10.

See Also:Fix: File Explorer not Working on Windows 10

Method 1. Run Autoruns to Fix the File Explorer Crashing Issue

Autoruns is a utility to show you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login and when you start the built-in Windows applications like Internet Explorer and Explorer. It’s reported that disabling some third-party software in it would help troubleshoot the File Explorer crashing issue. To do this, follow these steps:

Step 1. Click here to download Autoruns.

Step 2. Run Autoruns as administrator.

Step 3. Click on Options from the top menu bar and check Hide Microsoft Entries.

Step 4. Get to the Explorer tab and uncheck all the entries under it.

Step 5. Reboot your computer.

File explorer keeps closing on its own

Method 2. Clear File Explorer History to Resolve the Issue

The second solution to the File Explorer keeps crashing issue you can try is to clear the File Explorer history. Take the steps below.

Step 1. Right click the Start button and select File Explorer to launch it.

Step 2. Right click Quick access and select Options.

Step 3. Get to the General tab, click the Clear button under Privacy to clear the File Explorer history. And then click the OK button to save the change.

Now launch the File Explorer again to see whether the issue has been resolved.

Method 3. Launch Folder Windows in a Separate Process to Fix the Error

File explorer windows keep opening

This is another solution recommended to fix the File Explorer crashing error. Do as follows:

Step 1. Right click the Start button and select File Explorer to launch it.

Step 2. Right click Quick access and select Options.

Step 3. Get to the View tab, check Launch folder windows in a separate process in the Advanced settings and click the OK button to save the change.

File Explorer Opens On Its Own

Method 4. Reset the Winsock Catalog to Get Rid of the Issue

To get rid of the File Explorer crashing issue, you can also try to reset the Winsock Catalog. Take these easy steps:

Step 1. Run Command Prompt as administrator.

Step 2. Type the “netsh winsock reset” command into the window and hit Enter to run it.

Step 3. After the command is executed successfully, restart your computer to complete the reset.

File Explorer Keeps Opening On Its Own Day

Method 5. Update the Display Driver to Troubleshoot the Issue

If the File Explorer crashing issue still exists after you try all the methods above, maybe updating the display driver can work. These posts are for your reference:

    Above are all the tricks we find to fix the File Explorer keeps crashing issue on Windows 10. If you know better methods of addressing this issue, share them with us in the comment section below. We would appreciate it. For more solutions to other computer issues, you can click here.

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