Can You Become The High King Of Skyrim

This one is the considerable safer. Unless you don’t like mods. Become High King of Skyrim. Become High King of Skyrim V2. This mod is all you need to become the High King! I believe that once you finish the main storyline and the Civil war Storyline, you go talk to a guy in Markarth and you get to be the High King, with enough support (aka friends). It's ok, but it's a little unfinished. I never had any problems becoming the high king so everything was fine in that regard. It allows you to give some orders to npcs which seem to work fine, I liked getting to have anyone as a follower, throw them in jail/behead them, and order them to give me their (non-outfit) items.

If you mean the high king, yes I believe that you can side withthe stormcloaks and then you kill the leader of the imperials andUlfric is like oh I don't want to be high king, so in effect youcan become high king.

What continent is Skyrim located in?


Can You Become The High King Of Skyrim Mod Xbox One

Skyrim is just one of I think 5 or 6 territories in TAMRIEL. Others are Cyrodil. ah i don't know. Anyways, the answer is Tamriel.

Where is the khajiit temple in skyrim?

The Khajiit do not have a temple in Skyrim, or anywhere else in Tamriel.

Is there another Skyrim?

Skyrim is the name for a province of Tamriel in the Elder Scrolls games, and the name of the game specifically set there. There are no other Skyrims.

How do you kill dwarves in Skyrim?

Skyrim is set in a time after the dwarves (more accurately, the dwemer) have vanished from Tamriel. There are no living dwemer to encounter in Skyrim, so you cannot kill any of them.

What place in The Elder Scrolls series has they not being a game set like Skyrim or Tamriel?

Tamriel is the name of the continent the Elder Scrolls games are set on, all Elder Scrolls games have been set on it, though we know the names of other continents such as Akavir and Atmora. Tamriel has 9 provinces; Black Marsh, Cyrodiil, Elsweyr, Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Skyrim, Summerset Isle and Valenwood. 'Arena' let you visit every province in Tamriel. 'Daggerfall' was situated in part of Hammerfell and part of High Rock. 'Morrowind' took… Read More

What setting of the year is Skyrim based off?

Skyrim is in the fourth era of Tamriel. More specifically, the game starts on the date of 4E 201. Source: the Elder Scrolls Wiki page 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim'

Can you become a dragon in Skyrim?

What provinces have been used so far in The Elder Scrolls?

The Elder Scrolls games take place in the continent of Tamriel, which consists of nine provinces - Cyrodiil, High Rock, Skyrim, Valenwood, Summerset Isle, Skyrim, Hammerfell, Black Marsh and Elsweyr. Arena took place over the whole continent of Tamriel. Daggerfall took place in Hammerfell and High Rock. Morrowind took place in Morrowind, though only the island of Vvardenfell and not mainland Morrowind (though you visit Mournhold in the Tribunal expansion). Oblivion took place in Cyrodiil… Read More

Will there be werewolves in Skyrim?

Yes, there are werewolves in Skyrim, and the player is able to become one.

What a Tamriel mousepad is worth?

meant to ask if anyone knows how much a mouse pad with the map of Tamriel on it is worth.

Can you become a werewolf in Skyrim?

Yes, you can. You can join the Companions, and you can become a werewolf there.

Where was Elder Scrolls I Arena set?

TES 1: Arena is set in the continent of Tamriel. All provinces could be explored, namely Cyrodiil, Hammerfell, Valenwood, Skyrim, Morrowind, Elsweyr, Black Marsh, Summurset Isle and High Rock.

Can you become a jarl in Skyrim?

When do the events of 'Skyrim' take place?


It takes place in the 4th Era (which started with the death of emperor Martin Septim at the end of the Oblivion Crisis) year 201.

At what age did emperor qin become emperor?

How do you choose your class in skyrim?

There are no classes in Skyrim, a character is free to develop and become proficient in whichever skills they wish.

Can you become a werebear in Skyrim?

You cannot become a Werebear in Skyrim, unless you've added a mod that gives you that option. The only were-creature the base game offers, is Werewolf.

How do you become a white werewolf on skyrim?

How do you become a skeleton in Skyrim?

Does jarl ulfric become king on Skyrim?

Become High King Of Skyrim Bug

If you support the Stormcloaks for the Civil War quest, then yes, Jarl Ulfric will become High King of Skyrim. If you join the Imperial Legion, he is killed.

In what game can you become a werewolf?

Who was the first emperor of Rome to become Christian?

Who is the first emperor of rome to become christian

When did liu bang become emperor?

When did Caracalla become emperor?

Would Caesar ever become emperor?

He said that it was not in his interest to ever become Emperor, but what he said and what he wants to do are two different things. I would say that he would eventually become the Emperor.

Can you still become Thane of Markarth if you free the Forsworn?

Where can you find brynjolf after you are ready to become guild master in Skyrim?

Can you only become a werewolf once in Skyrim?

yes. if you cuer yourself of werewolfism you can not become one again

Who choose Japans emperor?

The emperor is not chosen, the heir to the throne is the one to become the emperor.

How did emperor Akihito become emperor?

He inherited the Imperial throne from his father, Emperor Hirohito.

Why puyi become emperor of china in year 1908?

Why did Augustus refuse to become emperor?

Augustus did not refuse to become an emperor. He was probably the best one Rome had.

When did emperor herohito become emperor?

Who did Antony kill to become emperor?

Antony never killed anyone to become emperor. Antony was never an emperor. The highest office he ever rose to was that of triumvir.

When do you become a werewolf in Skyrim?

You can become a werewolf by following the questline for the Companions. They are located in Whiterun, and by talking to their leader you can join them.

Who was the the only common person to become emperor of china?

Liu Bang was the common person to become an emperor :p

What level can you become a werewolf in Skyrim?

There's no level requirement, you can do it at level 1.

Can i become a werewolf if i are already a vampire lord in Skyrim?

When did Augustas become emperor?

Did emperor Nero become emperor?

Yes. He became an emperor from Claudius. He was a very bad emperor because he killed alot of people.

When did Titus become emperor?

Titus became emperor after Vespasian died but he was only emperor for 26 months

When was emperor hirohito become an emperor?

December 25th 1926 when his father (Emperor Taisho (Yoshihito)) died.

Did Andrew Jackson give up the right to become a emperor?

The right to become an emperor is not a common human right. If Jackson had it, I do not think he ever officially gave it up. However, he never did become n emperor, of that I am sure of.

Can you become a vampire lord in Skyrim Dawnguard if you were already a vampire in Skyrim from level 1?

Yes, you can. Being a werewolf, or a vampire already, does not stop you becoming a vampire lord in Dawnguard.

Can you create skooma on Skyrim?

Not in vanilla Skyrim. But with a mod, yes. Specifically, I would recommend 'Powerful Craftable Skooma - with Drugged Effect' by kidduffah or 'Become a Skooma Dealer' by MimiTheAlchemist.

Did augustus become the first emperor?

When and how did emperor akihoto become emperor?

He inherited the Imperial Throne from his father, Hirohito.

What town do you go to in skyrim to become a werewolf?

Whiterun, it's the Companions meadhall, Jorrvaskr.

How do you get unmarried in elder scroll skyrim?

you cant get divorced/unmarried in skyrim but if you take your wife on a high mountain or on the bridge of the winterhold collage and the FUS-DOH-RAH her off 'by accident' then she dies and you become unmarried! LOL but i have the hottest wife in skyrim. Ysolda FTW

How did emperor penguins become endangered?

They are NOT endangered! :) (Yay!) Emperor penguins did become THREATENED due to the polar ice caps melting though.

I've had a fascination with the different titles you could aquire and was wondering if one could possibly become Jarl in, say Markarth, Solitude, or Whiterun?


3 Answers

It is not possible to supplant any of the existing NPCs as Jarl in the base game. (I wouldn't put it past someone having created a mod to do so, however)

The closest you can get is to become 'Thane', which you can do for each of the 9 holds, and will earn you a Housecarl (a la Lydia) and let you clear your bounty from the relevant hold guards, once.

(Thanks Amaranth for mathing better than me!)

Raven DreamerRaven Dreamer
144k119 gold badges621 silver badges896 bronze badges

Vanilla-wise, there is no way to become Jarl of any city (as unfortunate as that is).

If you use mods there is a specific mod for Skyrim (not SE), that allows you to become the Jarl of Ivarstead (which isn't a major city, but allows you to simulate a Jarl-like lifestyle)

Unfortunately I Am The High King

42.7k136 gold badges385 silver badges607 bronze badges

There's no way in vanilla. However, there is a mod to become High King of Skyrim. This would then force all other Jarls to report to you..the Jarl of Jarls.

Microphone doesn't work when plugged into the microphone port of my Sound Blaster Z.Sound Blaster control panel detects if the microphone is not plugged in, so it's definitely in the right port.I've tried resetting everything to default in Sound Blaster control panel, doesn't help.It's the default microphone in windows recording devices.Disabling on-board sound in device manager doesn't help.The microphone works fine if you plug it into microphone port of motherboard, but sounds crap (according to people on Teamspeak) so it's not an issue with the microphone.Any ideas? Sound blaster z microphone not working.

(Oldrim) Become High King of Skyrim: Become High King of Skyrim:


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