Skyrim Se First Person Camera

  1. Skyrim Se 1st Person Camera Fix


I'm having a similar problem with my first person view. Except instead of the height being off, my character's arms and weapons literally 'float' in mid-air without being attached to anything. It's like the camera is pulled back, so when I ready a bow and arrow, there is an empty space between my arm and the bottom of the screen.

I noticed this value on STEP and GamerPoets video 'Skyrim : ini Tweaks : Part 2 : Works for All'.

I already posted to GamerPoets and he advised I mention this value to STEP as well.

fOverShoulderAddY=0.0 isn't a value that actually works. You can change it to -500 or 500 and it won't do anything. If you want the camera defaulted to be zoom away/back from your player a bit, you can use fVanityModeMinDist=155. 155 is default I believe, so you'll have to use higher number to zoom the camera out, such as fVanityModeMinDist=255. All this actually does is push the camera back and makes it so that value is as close as your camera can get to your player. Once you hit that 255 point, the camera won't be able to get any closer to your player.

I found this value from a mod on Nexus called Customizable Camera.

I use a controller and wanted my cameras main default camera position (3rd person) further back from player. I don't like how close it always gets. I was able to obtain the perfect position for me with STEP and Customizable Camera .ini tweak values.

Here are more [Camera] tweak values if anyone wants to play around with them without using/adding another mod/.esp.

Ooh and thanks to Michael from GamerPoets, I also just learned today that my controller CAN zoom the camera in and out... after 1500 hours of Skyrim game playing. Lol? :/
I had thought it could only toggle POV from two points; 3rd and 1st person. There's no zoom control option in your Control Options Menu when you use a controller. There is one though when using a mouse and keyboard. So for anyone else using a controller and don't know this, you CAN zoom your camera in and out. For me, I have to HOLD DOWN the Right Stick (RS) and move the Left Stick (LS) up or down for zooming.
I hope this helps some people if using [Camera] in their Skyrim.ini file.
If my testing with that fOverShoulderAddY=0.0 value is correct and it indeed does nothing. Then hopefully STEP will correct it and omit it from the .ini tweaks for people which can be found HERE.

I generally prefer the third person perspective over the first person one.

I switched out following the intro, and things have gone well till I started the Dark Brotherhood quest. That seemed to have bounced me back into first person, and I can't switch out. I try pressing on the right stick (Xbox controller, but PC version of the game), nothing. I reassign the key to X, press that, nothing. I take the controller out, try F on the keyboard and rolling the mouse wheel, nothing. I reassign THOSE keys, nothing.

Frustrated, I try loading a previous save, and those games are also locked in the camera (although generally locked in 3rd person).

I'm at my wits end here; and I'm honestly wondering if I'm doing something wrong, that there's something else you need to do to trigger the camera angle change.

Anyone have any ideas?

l I
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7 Answers

Skyrim Se First Person Camera

Maybe the following topic will help you: How do I get out of third person view?

Enter and leave werewolf mode again.

Yes, it's as simple as that. Go to the magic menu and select the Beast Form, then press the button you use to cast a dragon shout. It might be necessary to do this at night or perahps inside a dungeon, then you can go outside and use the wait system to wait till it is day again. You should be able to zoom back into the character afterwards...

On XBOX 360 or PS 3, hold the camera button and then zoom in the camera.

Play around with it going left / right / up / down, you should eventually be able to zoom in.


If you're on PC, try using the free cam mode and leaving it. Use 'tfc' on the console. Move around then re-enter 'tfc' in the console again.


When you start loading a save just start rotating the camera before the load is completed.

44.7k62 gold badges250 silver badges409 bronze badges

use console command EPC (Enable Player Controls) on PC


I had the same problem as you and in the end I could solve it by typing S1ST (Show1stPerson: Show the 1st person Model from the 3rd person camera. If in 3rd person mode it will show both). This is how I left the first person view.


I figured out a solution by accident while having the same issue, heh.

Just go to any alchemy/enchantment table, blacksmith, grindstone or workbench and it should let you change the camera view again :)


Since there is no answer given in the bounty period I'm going to put an answer of my own.

If you have this stuck camera and have no backup saves you lose your character. There is nothing you can do, I spent at least 20 hours to fix my problem by looking for solutions online and shaking things in game. To prevent this from happening to you do not rely on quick saves and auto saves. I now dedicate two save slots for regular saving besides the auto and quick saves.

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Skyrim Se 1st Person Camera Fix

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