Fallout New Vegas Sniper Rifle Mod

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Fallout New Vegas Sniper Rifle Mod

Posted by3 months ago

I Made a port of the 3d model of Killzone M82g, Sta-3 Lmg, Sta-52 for new vegas, i found the models wondering around and since i love those weapons i decided to learn how to and actually did it, and a sniper rifle that i adapted to look like the Killzone sniper with the Sta-52 clip, since i found no model for it, i wasn't going to upload this mod in places like Gunnetwork or anything since i don't like that kinda of sites that hide mods and make hard to reach, mods are for everyone and for everyone to have fun playing.

Now, im new here so idk if there is any problem doing this, if so, just tell me and i will delete the post no problem, i read the rugulations but this is not a paywall mod or anything but it uses ripped assets, i initially uploaded this mod at PCmasterrace but that site sucks and i can't edit my own mod or delete it, nothing! So i decided to upload the updated version here, that will be abandoned now since i can't managed it for some reason, for that THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE TO GET THE NEW UPDATED VERSIONS, THE ONE ON PC MASTERRACE ONLY HAS THE M82 AND STA52 NOTHING ELSE.

Weapons can be found in Goodsprings in the workbench.


Bullpup Reload Animations – Modders Resource: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40365

(ignore if you already have any weapon mod that has these reaload animations included)


Isa M82g With Green Dot Holosight, Uses 5.56mm ammo;

Isa M82g With Iron sight, Uses 5.56mm ammo;

Helghast Sta-52 With Red Dot Holosight, uses 12.7mm ammo ;

Helghast Sta-3 with Iron Sight uses 5mm round ;


Helghast Sniper rifle, uses .308 ammo (Look a like, it's not really the helghast rifle since i found no 3dmodel for that).

Simple Pipboy icons for all of them.

Future updates may include:

Isa M4 Revolver (Look a like weapon), may use .44 ammo;

Helghast Vc1 Helghast Flamethrower, Uses Flamer Fuel;

Helghast StA-11 SMG, may use 12.7 ammo;

Isa Scavanged StA-52 With green holosight, uses 5.56 ammo;

Helghast Scavanged M82g With Reddot holosight/iron sight, uses 12.7 ammo;

Gun Sounds are not the original from the game for each weapon but they belong to other weapons from Killzone or have been edited in audacity, that i could get the sound of so it should sound good enough not to feel out of place.

Note: The sights are nor perfectly aligned but it’s the best i could do, they are 98% centered and you should have no problem using them, also i had to remake the holo sights reticles because new vegas works differently from the killzone engine so i had to improvise, did the best i could.

The M82 holosigth has a slight defect on the mesh for some reason, but that's not my fault and i probably wont fix it, it wount hurt you either don't worry.

The Nif's and textures should work fine if ported for Fallout 3 but you will need to make you own ESP to make them work, if you know how to use the Geck it shouldn’t be a problem

if i ever come back to reinstall fallout 3 i may port it for fo3

I hope you all enjoy if there is any problem or this is against the rules just let me know and i'll port this somewhere else


credits for SkyfighterZX(me) and lulox18(the guy who ripped the assets and the true mvp here) it's all i ask, but if you can, don't upload this anywhere, just link to here instead, so that i can keep updating the mod and everyone who likes this get's the most of it.

Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/uzh8zuuap893a2y/Killzone+Weapons+New+Vegas.rar

Fallout new vegas gobi sniper rifle mods

some pics

https://www.pcmr.cloud/assets/uploads/2019/03/80.png(the Sniper and the Sta-3 are also there, this print is slightly old)


I'm working in a model to look like the M4 Revolver the ISA uses, I will also add some other weapons like the StA-11 and the VC1 Helghast Flamethrower.

Fallout New Vegas Sniper Rifle Mod Nexus


I may also add some modified weapons to make it look more Lore-friendly like a Helghast version of the m82g that was scavanged and converted by the helghast to use them in the wasteland since weapons are a luxury xD(if you use my isa vs helghast conflict mod that is also linked below *in spoilers*)

Fix the shadows of all weapons,currently the shadows look blocky and weird because i didn't know how to fix that but i finally discovered how to fix it and will be here in the next version with some of the new weapons

ENJOY and give me feedback if you test them.

I made this mod to go with my mod https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/66529 so if you want to, use it too to make you fallout new vegas more like killzone :v

Fallout New Vegas Gun Locations
