Contoh Teks Pidato Biantara Bahasa Sunda Tentang Bahaya Narkoba

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Pidato bahasa inggris tentang narkoba _ Blog suhendri22 dalam tag Contoh Pidato kali ini memberikan sebuah contoh pidato berbahasa inggris tentang bahaya narkoba atau narkotika dan juga zat adiktif. pidato ini pernah contohkan juga dalam bahasa sunda , silahkan anda bisa cek di Link Contoh Pidato bahasa sunda tentang bahaya narkoba.

Narkoba sudah menjadi masalah besar semua bangsa dan negara yang ada di dunia, pendidikan anti narkoba salah satunya dilakukan melalui media pendidikan misalnya lomba pidato, seperti pidato berikut yang bisa anda contoh dan dipakai untuk menyusun tugas sekolah atau ujian atau lomba berbahasa inggris yang dikhususkan bertema narkoba. Semoga kumpulan teks pidato dari blog suhendri22 bisa bermanfaat !!

Pidato Bahasa Sunda – Pidato yang dibuat dalam bahasa Sunda dinamakan biantara. Isinya kurang lebih sama dengan jenis pidato lainnya, yang dibuat dan disampaikan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Pidato dalam bahasa sunda juga bertujuan untuk menyampaikan suatu gagasan, kepada banyak orang atau di khalayan umum. Atau misal ada orang dari pihak BNN (Badan Narkotika Nasional) yang memberikan penyuluhan ke sekolah. Bisa membawakan tema pidato bahas sunda tentang narkoba ataupun lingkungan. Dan masih banyak lagi contoh tema lainnya. Di bagian akhir ini akan juga disajikan contoh pidato bahasa sunda beragam tema yang bisa dijadikan inspirasi.

I respect Mr. and Mrs. Teacher and Lecturer

Praise be to Allah and praise we pray for the mercy and grace so that we can gather here in the state of a fit and healthy. Peace and prayers are always upon His Prophet Muhammad SAW and hopefully we will be able to imitate.
As the opening of what would I say to this happy occasion, I would like to thank you for the time and the opportunity that has been given to present some issues related to the drug is the theme of the speech this time.
Drugs are all harmful substances that can damage health and can lead to addiction effects of drug users and continues to grow through a process to appear drug-drug of a new and more dangerous effects of drug type previously.
Through print and electronic media, we can see how to build a network of drug dealers in order to sell and distribute the goods. Of an international network to the hopper wagon drugs through courier and packed neatly and distributed to up to remote areas and even in prisons which incidentally is the place to provide a deterrent for anyone who violates the law, including distributing and consuming drugs.
Mr. and Mrs. teacher and friends who I respect
If prisons are there every time examination and post care they are able to skip to distribute drugs and then how the educational institutions? We need to know that the students who are of age and psychological generally have high levels of emotional lability and thinking immature very vulnerable to be affected and interested in things according to their new and is becoming a space for drug traffickers to influence and incite to using the pretext of a drug as a lifestyle and trend of today's teenagers.
To avoid the circulatory and drug abuse among students both in school and in the daily life, awareness and knowledge about the dangers of drugs needs to be invested in each of the students in a way that the delivery of the material, discussion forums, or in the form of school assignments and other tasks such as creating stories with themes dangers of drugs, drug task on paper or socializing with other media such as poster and bulletin boards that are the theme of the dangers of drug abuse.

Pidato Bahasa Indonesia Tentang Pendidikan

Contoh Teks Pidato Biantara Bahasa Sunda Tentang Bahaya Narkoba
By means of indirect students or students will know the impact of drug abuse and over time will develop the mindset to stay away from drug use

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Indonesia

Before I end this speech about drugs once again I say thank you for your attention and I apologize if there are words or words that are not acceptable for friends and especially Mr. Principal and Mr. teacher all
Wassalamualaikum Wr. WB.
Demikian Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Narkoba dari blog suhendri22, dapatkan contoh pidato dengan tema yang lain di link yang muncul di bawah ini. semoga bermanfaat !!