Best Fallout 4 Mods Ps4 2019

  1. Best Fallout 4 Mods Ps4

Best Fallout 4 Mods for Xbox One and PS4: Fallout 4 is a Role-Playing Game which was launched in 2015 by Bethesda Game Studios. Are you searching for the Best Fallout 4 Mods for Xbox One and PS4? If yes, then you have reached the right place. The Game consists of an amazing community especially made to discuss all the types of mods available in the game. Mar 6, 2019 - Here are the best Fallout 4 mods of February 2019. The modding community has added in tons of unique features just waiting to be played.

By Mark Medina

For decades, mods have granted PC gamers the freedom to tweak, change, and improve their experiences. Bethesda games in particular, with their massive worlds and wide breadth of things to do and see, are ripe for the modding.

From simple bug-fixes to a mod that changes all Deathclaws into killer Thomas the Tank Engines, almost anything you’d want (or didn’t know you’d want) in a game like Fallout 4 exists.

This particular list of Fallout 4 mods is a bit more grounded, focusing on making the Commonwealth even more beautiful without altering gameplay. You can even download some of these mods for Fallout 4 on Xbox One.

Here are IGN’s top 10 visual mods for Fallout 4.

10. Power Armor HUD by Hellstorm102

While we love stomping around in Fallout 4’s Power Armor, its flimsy-feeling, transparent HUD leaves a lot to be desired. The Power Armor HUD by Hellstorm102 replaces these default elements with a solid, weightier control panel. It might obscure your view a little, but in a giant, hulking suit of armor, that’s sort of the point.

Best Fallout 4 Mods Ps4

Best fallout 4 mods ps4

You also have the ability to change the look of the new HUD, so whether you like a cleaner interface or something a tad more weathered, your options are open.


Download it on NexusMods. Also available on Xbox One. Find out how to install it with our Xbox One mod guide for Fallout 4.

9. Realistic Word Map by Vastias

The Realistic World Map mod by Vastias takes Fallout 4’s muddled old vanilla map and replaces it with a much more detailed version, featuring roads, bodies of water, and land masses. You can also adjust the map’s brightness and choose what gets displayed. Little details like these make Realistic World Map a must-have for any Wasteland adventurers who like to plan ahead.

Download it on NexusMods.

8. Lowered Weapons by Lesma666

Ever since Wolfenstein and Doom, we’ve always wondered why first-person shooters force your character to run around with their weapon constantly pointed out in front of them. It makes sense when you’re shooting, but if you’re trying to conduct peaceful business in a settlement, having your gun raised and ready to fire is a little awkward.

The Lowered Weapons mod by Lesma666 finally fixes this. Having your gun lowered outside combat zones feels way more natural and makes visiting towns and other peaceful camps a lot more immersive.

Download it on NexusMods.

7. Pip-Boy Shadows by McGruffin

Pip-Boy Shadows by McGruffin adds dynamic shadows to the inhabitants and objects of the Commonwealth. More realistic shadows are certainly a plus on their own, but because this mod is most noticeable in the dark, it pairs spectacularly well with the next mod on our list.

Download it on NexusMods. Also available on Xbox One. Find out how to install it with our Xbox One mod guide for Fallout 4.

6. Darker Nights by unforbidable

Have you ever been to the mountains at night? Since the world of Fallout 4 is only sparsely populated with settlements, sporting crude campfires and low-voltage electricity, it gets pretty dark out there at night. But not dark enough.

Darker Nights by unforbidable is a must-have. When the sun goes down on the Commonwealth, this mod makes sure it really feels like night-time. It also comes with an option that lets you adjust how well enemies and NPCs can see you in the dark, making stealth missions much more interesting.

Download it on NexusMods. Also available on Xbox One. Find out how to install it with our Xbox One mod guide for Fallout 4.

5. Resurrection by ResurrectionDev

Even Fallout 4 purists can make room for Resurrection by ResurrectionDev. It gives all landmarks and environmental objects, from rocks to roads and even buildings, an overgrown look that is really a sight to see.

If you have a PC capable of running this mod, there’s no reason not to give the Commonwealth the revival it deserves.

Download it on NexusMods.

4. Mega Explosions by Meltus

One of the best parts of Fallout 4 is making things go boom. But what if you could make the booms even boomier? That’s where Mega Explosions by Meltus comes in. Not only are the explosion sizes from your Fatman, Grenades, and Mines all doubled, but the damage is increased as well. It’s a great way to add awesome new action elements to some of your more explosive battles. If you don’t want the actual game altered in any way, you can also just turn on the bigger explosion textures, and keep damage the same.

Download it on NexusMods.


3. Water Enhanced by Jmane2009

While Fallout 4’s water looks good, Water Enhanced by Jmane2009 is a great way to make the bodies of water in the Commonwealth look even better. Lakes become clearer, light reflects off ocean waves more believably, and streams ripple with a beautiful glisten. With this mod installed, stumbling upon any body of water is really a treat.

Download it on NexusMods. Also available on Xbox One. Find out how to install it with our Xbox One mod guide for Fallout 4.

2. True Storms by fadingsignal

True Storms by fadingsignal takes the vanilla weather effects of Fallout 4 and cranks them up to 11. Running in a thick fog that you can barely see through is awesome and dust storms emphasize just how desolate the Commonwealth has become. This mod also causes special weather events to occur more frequently, making things like rad storms a serious threat to players.

Download it on NexusMods.

1. Fallout 4 Seasons Project by GameDuchess

Fallout 4 is a vast and immersive experience, but in a world where literally years of in-game time can fly by, one crucial element of reality remains absent: the four seasons. So it’s no surprise that our favorite graphics mod for Fallout 4 is the Seasons Project by GameDuchess. From the bright and vibrant colors of spring, to the desolate silence of winter, the Seasons Project lets you bring your favorite time of year to the Commonwealth. The seasons don’t change automatically, but with variations for all four, this mod is definitely worth checking out.

Download it on NexusMods.

If you have recommendations for Fallout 4 visual mods that didn’t make our list, let us know in the comments or on our Fallout 4 modding wiki. Also be sure to check out our list of best Fallout 4 mods on Xbox One.

Fallout 4 PS4 mods are finally here, and despite their limitations, the feature has been working pretty flawlessly on Sony’s console. Here are five of the very best mods you should try right now. Those of you on Xbox One and PC probably have similar versions on your respective platforms too.

1) Immersive-Gameplay (PlayStation): Just in case Survival Mode was too easy for you, this mod by Jacomel takes Bethesda’s open-world experience and makes it more brutally difficult than you ever thought possible. Armed with the meager scraps in your pre-war basement, the rest of the challenge is up to you. The ultimate goal of this mod is to make the vanilla experience more realistic and punishing.

This feat is accomplished in a number of ways, including slower leveling with no health gain, lower base health and more sophisticated enemies. For reference, your standard health is just 20 HP while human foes have 50 to 120. Mutants get even more powerful than that as they increase in size. This mod certainly isn’t for the faint of heart, and, as Dark Souls fans say, you have to “git gud” to enjoy it. [ Link ]

2) SimpleGreen: Fallout 4 takes place during a nuclear apocalypse, so some fans might feel that the environment Bethesda has created doesn’t look quite decayed enough. SimpleGreen by ANDREWCX fixes that problem by covering the Commonwealth in green grass. As one would expect, there are also more trees to look at too.

This is really more of an aesthetic mod than a functional one, but it does take the survival aspect of Fallout 4 to a whole new level. The PS4 version can’t support custom greenery, but it’s still pretty cool anyway. [ Link ]

3) Unlocked Settlement Objects: Also from ANDREWCX, this mod quickly unlocks almost all settlement-related items in the game for the tiny price of one cap. The developer is still working through the PS4 creation kit to get every last viable asset, but pretty much everything is there already.

The benefits of this mod are obvious. It allows wasteland dwellers to trick out their communities with all kinds of walls, beds, statues and even a UFO. Not everyone was totally enraptured by Fallout 4’s settlement building, but this mod may make it a bit more free and fun for the naysayers. This tweak is a boon for the creatively minded. [ Link ]

4) Zombie Walkers: We know lots of Walking Dead fans read our site, and this PS4 mod is for them. Crafted by joefor, this fan creation essentially alters the Feral Ghoul enemy and turns it into a Romero-style zombie. With eight different types to work from, each with their own clothing variations, you really do get a solid sense of undead uniqueness. To make things even more exciting, zombies often spawn in large herds too. This is another mod that makes Survival Mode better.

In terms of combat, these revised Feral Ghouls move significantly slower but pack a more powerful punch if they’re able to get in close. This is simply a fun way to experience something new in the wasteland. [ Link ]

5) Unified Clothing Overhaul: For folks who want their character to have a very specific look without any stat compromises, this PS4 mod is a must-have. Made by ANDREWCX, it infuses all clothing and accessories with ballistic weave and lining elements. There’s also an invisible option that offers armor qualities without any extra wearables at all. Want bullets to bounce off you like Superman? You can do that with this mod. It also offers the ability to craft a bunch of different armor and weapon types in an instant.

However, its usefulness is also cosmetic. For one, all small accessories can now be worn under armor. Decal swaps provide different looks for said armor, and extra costumes can be unlocked too. In few words, this may be the single most versatile mod the PS4 has to offer. [ Link ]

Fallout 4 is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC. All platforms support mods. Check out an early list of supported PS4 mods here.

What do you think of Fallout 4 PS4 mods so far? Did Bethesda deliver despite the limitations? Tell us in the comments section!